Latest Submissions
What I’ve Been Up To
Broke as Folk and Woke as Fuck
One of my ongoing projects is a collection of essays about about growing up steeped in a Midwestern Catholic culture that was as rich and devout as it was dysfunctional, and the years-long work of...
Poem: Mopping the Floor with Tequila
Here's a fun little poem that was published in the February 2025 issue of Red Ogre Review, an indie press for poetry and visual art run by MA candidates at Lancaster University, United Kingdom.
Things I Wish Someone Had Told me As a Young Woman
Stay tuned for more on this crowd-sourced project soon! We think it's going to be an awesome collection and will make a great gift for graduating seniors, or for teen birthdays (ya know, when...
Biblical References in Toni Morrison’s “Song of Soloman”
Published in issue 40 of the journal Onoma. Abstract: Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, the third of Morrison’s eight novels, is the story of Milkman Dead, a young African American man so pampered by...
Earthships and Yurts on Poncha Pass
It’s a delicious, if torturous, cycle with me: just when I’m on the brink of throwing up my hands and writing all humanity off as a wretched lot of uberconsumerist, plastic-mongering jackasses who...
Author Interview about the Writing Process
This interview about the writing process behind the flash essay, "Someone Else's Secret," was conducted by Marcia Peterson and can be read here, or here... What inspired you to write your essay,...